Join us Monday, August  8  at 7:30 at the White Rock Ale House! Weather permitting, we’ll have a pre meeting lap o’ the lake starting from the parking lot at 6:30.

Rally of the Month

August Rally of the Month is, of course, Hotter n’ Hell on August 25th in Wichita Falls, TX. This month we also have a Gravel Rally of the Month: SBT GRVL on August 20th in Steamboat, CO.

Team Kit

Our new Mirage socks will be available for purchase at the meeting! Get yours now! $10 a pair.

Community Support Opportunity

Dallas City Hall is having a meeting on August 11th to discuss cycling infrastructure in Dallas. Here is the project website. Get involved and help shape cycling in Dallas!


Congratulations to Martha Parks as she repeats as Road National Champion in Albuquerque!

Also, please welcome new and renewing members in July:

  • Trey Howse