What is the point of points? Have you have heard members talking about points and not known what they were talking about?
Points are a way to promote our sponsors and encourage club members to get involved in bicycling activities. Points can be earned by volunteering to help at a club event, racing your bike in a USAC or non-USAC competitive event, duathlon or triathlon, or riding in a rally.
The value of a point depends on how many points are turned in for the month and the budget for that month, but are worth a maximum of $15 per point. Members who present a Mirage Points Reimbursement Form at a meeting are reimbursed for points recorded from the previous month.
So, keep a record of all races, rallies or club designated volunteer events you participate in during the month, come to the next club meeting, fill out a Mirage Points Reimbursement Form (it isn’t hard to do), and get a gift certificate to Bike Mart.
The Rules
- For races and rallies, you must wear the Mirage jersey to claim points. One exception to this is allowed for State and National Champions in which case you may wear your State or National jersey with your Mirage shorts.
- Points are only paid to current members, so make sure your dues are up to date!
- Points are only paid at the monthly meeting, which is the 2nd Monday of the month.
- Points are paid for the previous month’s events only. Requests for reimbursements for events prior to the previous month’s events will not be paid.
- You must attend the meeting to collect payment for points. You may not send another member to the meeting with your points sheet and get reimbursed.
- You must fill out the Mirage Points Reimbursement Form to claim your points – copies will also be available at the monthly meeting.
- Additional rules and information are listed on the points form.