August 2024 Meeting

Please join everyone for the August Mirage Meeting at the White Rock Alehouse at 7:30 PM on the 12th.

Be especially vigilant to drink enough fluids while riding this month! 

Fall Mirage Camp

It’s time to start thinking about this Fall’s Mirage Fredericksburg Cycling camp!  The dates are October 17-20. You don’t want to miss riding in the beautiful Hill Country!

Most go down on Wednesday the 16th, but you can come to ride whatever days you like.  Sunday is always a shorter ride so folks can get on their way home. Links for the routes will be sent out as we approach the date.

MOST IMPORTANT – if you are considering going, we suggest making hotel reservations now. The hotel Sunday House on Main where some folks stayed last year is almost full for those dates so they are not letting me hold any rooms. Rates are $214 a night not including tax for 2 beds. Most rides start from Gillespie Park just off Main Street in downtown Fredericksburg. A rental anywhere near that area is a great option.

Saturday Night Dinner

Saturday night we will have a group dinner with more details to come. 

Let Sue Beckham know if you plan to attend so she can coordinate dinner and other activities as we get closer to October. If you have questions, feel free to email Sue or me for more details.

Membership Required

If you plan to join us, please remember you must be a member of Mirage. If you want to join you can here.


If you want to bring a non-riding spouse, Fredericksburg has a lot to offer:

  • Main Street has shopping, breweries and wineries
  • Hiking at Enchanted Rock

Ride of the Month

The club supports your participation in the ROM and any other rally and races that you participate in.  Just fill out a participation form and earn points towards BikeMart Gift certificates.  Details are on the back of the form available at each meeting.

Did anyone do Peach Pedal, Goatneck or Blazing Saddles rallies?

If so, then please share your experience with the club so we know more about those rallies and about your personal experience.  We would love to hear from you!


  • Bill Shirer –  Cyclist at Law, personal injury trial lawyer
  • Westlake Brewing Company – need I say more?
  • Laura Booty offering health insurance solutions be it Medicare, ACA, or whatever it is that you need
  • Les Terrill providing professional financial advice
  • Steve Howard of Turner Vedrenne and Howard, a full-service public accounting firm
  • And last, but not least, the BikeMart
February 2024 Meeting

Our February meeting is Monday the 12th at 7:30 at the White Rock Ale House. We will be on the enclosed patio or outside. Free drink coupons, as always.

This is a social event so, if you are a past member or want to bring a friend, come on out as we would love to see you!

January Meeting 2024

We hope that you had a Happy New Year and that cycling remains one of your resolutions for 2024.  May it be your best year yet whether you are pursuing miles, events or number of days per week of riding!

Our January meeting is Monday the 8th at 7:30 at the White Rock Ale House. We will be on the enclosed patio or outside. Free drink coupons, as always.

December Meeting 2023

Season Greetings, Mirage Members!

Our December meeting is Monday the 11th at 7:30 at the White Rock Ale House. We will be on the enclosed patio or outside. Free drink coupons, as always.

In addition, join us for our annual Holiday Lights Ride through Lakewood that evening.

November Meeting 2023

Our November meeting is Monday the 13th at 7:30 at the White Rock Ale House. We will be on the enclosed patio or outside. Free drink coupons, as always.

October Meeting 2023

Our October meeting is Monday the 9th at 7:30 at the White Rock Ale House. We will be on the enclosed patio or outside. Free drink coupons, as always.

September Meeting 2023

Our September meeting is Monday the 11th at 7:30 at the White Rock Ale House. We will be on the enclosed patio or outside. Free drink coupons, as always.

August Meeting 2023

Our August meeting is Monday the 14th at 7:30 at the White Rock Ale House. We will be on the enclosed patio or outside. Free drink coupons, as always.

July 2023 Meeting

Our July meeting is Monday the 1oth at 7:30 at the White Rock Ale House. We will be on the enclosed patio or outside. Free drink coupons, as always.

June 2023 Meeting

Our June meeting is Monday the 12th at 7:30 at the White Rock Ale House. We will be on the enclosed patio or outside. Free drink coupons, as always.
