December Meeting 2019

It’s that time of year again! Come join us for the 2019 edition of our annual Christmas lights ride and party on Monday, December 9.

The lights ride will leave from the White Rock Ale House parking lot at 7:00PM. We will explore some of the local neighborhood Christmas lights and return to the parking lot by 8:00PM.

If you can’t join the ride, the party starts at 8:00PM at the White Rock Ale House. The club will provide free drinks and appetizers.

Join us as we celebrate the holidays!

November Meeting 2019

The November Mirage meeting is Monday, November 11th at 7:30. It will be at the White Rock Ale House, 7331 Gaston Ave, near Garland Rd/East Grand. First beer and some appetizers are on the Club.

The weather forecast predicts wet so a pre-meeting ride around the lake will be a game-day decision.

October Meeting 2019

The October Mirage meeting is Monday, October 14th at 7:30. It will be at the White Rock Ale House, 7331 Gaston Ave, near Garland Rd/East Grand. First beer and some appetizers are on the Club.

The weather should be nice to a pre-ride around the lake. If you wish to join us, meet us in the parking lot at 6:30PM.

September Meeting 2019

The September Mirage meeting is Monday, September 9th at 7:30. It will be at the White Rock Ale House, 7331 Gaston Ave, near Garland Rd/East Grand. First beer and some appetizers are on the Club.

Due to the heat, no social ride is scheduled.

July 2019 Meeting

The July Mirage meeting is this coming Monday, July 8th at 7:30PM. It will be at the White Rock Ale House, 7331 Gaston Ave, near Garland Rd/East Grand. First beer and some appetizers is on the Club.

The weather looks good for a pre-meeting social lap clockwise around the lake starting  at 6:30PM from the Ale House parking lot. Yes it will be HOT but that will only make the free beer taste better. The club will provide appetizers and a free drink

June 2019 Meeting

The June Mirage meeting is this coming Monday, June 10th at 7:30. It will be at the White Rock Ale House, 7331 Gaston Ave, near Garland Rd/East Grand. First beer and some appetizers is on the Club.

If you can make it early, we will have an easy social ride starting from the Ale House at 6:30. We’ll do a casual lap of White Rock Lake, then come back to the Ale House in time for the 7:30 meeting.

May 2019 Meeting

Our next Mirage team meeting will be 7:30 PM, Monday, May 13 at the Lake Highlands Rec Center, 9940 White Rock Trail. We’ll provide the pizza, while you are welcome to bring your own nonalcoholic beverage. 

Guest Speaker: Darvin McBrayer


Darvin McBrayer has three decades of experience researching and working with athletes and “would-be” athletes, measuring thresholds, “work-speed-power” relationships and perceived exertion.

He has provided by-the-book physiology techniques to professional athletes including the Dallas Mavericks, Dallas Stars, and FC/Burn. He has also worked with USA Cycling, USA Rowing, various Olympic athletes and weekend warriors. He is published in clinical journals, and his coaching has brought him exposure in multiple news outlets.

April 2019 Meeting

Our next meeting will be Monday, April 8th at the White Rock Ale House in the Arboretum Village shopping center, at 7331 Gaston Ave., Dallas, TX 75214. As usual the start time is 7:30 pm. Appetizers and a free drink will be provided.

Please note non-standard meeting location.

Meeting Pre-Ride @ 6:30PM

The weather looks good for a pre-meeting social lap clockwise around the lake starting at 6:30 at the Ale House parking lot.

Also the HyperThreads fit kit will be available for sizing. HyperThreads is currently in the final stage of design and we plan to start ordering within the next few weeks.

March 2019 Meeting

March’s Mirage meeting will be Monday, March 11th at the White Rock Ale House in the Arboretum Village shopping center, at 7331 Gaston Ave., Dallas, TX 75214. As usual the start time is 7:30 pm.  Please note non-standard meeting location.

Mirage will buy appetizers for all, and rumor has it beer there available for purchase as well….

February 2019 Meeting

The next Mirage meeting is Monday, Feb. 11th 7:30 pm at Lake Highlands North Rec center.

Have you ever had a professional bike fit?  Craig Fulk will be joining us as guest speaker for our February meeting to give a lecture/demonstration on proper bike fit.

Craig is certified by the International Bike Fitting Institute, Retul,  USA Cycling and a list of others and has years of experience solving cyclists problems on the bike.  Craig looks at contact points, rise, reach, stack height and everything else in a dynamic, non-static way to help you ride more comfortably, efficiently, and stronger.

Whether you’re looking to race with more power or ride your next rally with greater ease and efficiency, please come to the February 11th Mirage meeting to take advantage of Craig’s expertise